17 Church Photography Ideas To Add To Your Shot List

17 Church Photography Ideas To Add To Your Shot List

The term “church photography” to many means photos of live worship or a pastor preaching. While those are important shots to have in your portfolio for sure, there are plenty of other things you can photograph to help reach people. I’ve listed seventeen different things that you can photograph for your church as well as…

The ULTIMATE Guide to Photography SD Card Speed & Storage

The ULTIMATE Guide to Photography SD Card Speed & Storage

Trying to figure out how fast an SD card transfers information can be tricky because the face of an SD card is generally littered with symbols and numbers. Every single one of these symbols and numbers gives you information about the SD card but, to the average consumer, they mean nothing. To find the speed…

The ULTIMATE Guide to Church Photography Lenses

The ULTIMATE Guide to Church Photography Lenses

There are tons of factors that go into choosing lenses for photography. In this guide, I’ll give you valuable insights and recommendations to help you, a beginner or a seasoned photographer, to build your camera kit. When choosing a lens for church photography, you must consider three things; focal length, aperture, and prime versus zoom…

13 Reasons Why Churches Use ProPresenter

13 Reasons Why Churches Use ProPresenter

ProPresenter is one of the leading visual media software in church production. Every Sunday, churches around the globe use ProPresenter to carry out their church services. There are tons of different presentation software, what makes ProPresenter so appealing for churches across the world? 1. Multimedia Presentations ProPresenter makes it easy to integrate images, videos, lyrics,…

How to Pick a Computer for ProPresenter at Church

How to Pick a Computer for ProPresenter at Church

With changing technology and software, picking a computer can seem intimidating. In reality, picking a computer to run ProPresenter can be broken down into easy-to-follow steps. To pick a computer for ProPresenter, you first need to consider how many outputs your presentation will have and at what resolution. Next, you will need to consider ProPresenter’s…

Is ProPresenter Worth The Cost? Visual Media For Churches

Is ProPresenter Worth The Cost? Visual Media For Churches

ProPresenter is one of the most commonly used presentation software for churches across the world. But, just because the software benefits other churches, it doesn’t mean it is worth the cost for yours. In general, ProPresenter is worth the cost to churches. With that being said, some churches may not need all of the features…

What a Photography Portfolio Is & How to Make One

What a Photography Portfolio Is & How to Make One

Whether or not to create a portfolio is something every creative will consider at some point. Before you make that decision, you first need to understand what exactly a portfolio is. A photographer’s portfolio is a collection of work highlighting their ability, serving as a visual resume for potential clients and employers. It exists to…

How To Pick a Camera for Church Photography

How To Pick a Camera for Church Photography

Picking a new camera though exciting can be overwhelming especially if you’re new to the world of digital cameras. As intimidating as it looks, breaking down your buying process into simple steps will ensure you make the right decision. To pick a camera for church photography you first need to decide your budget, and how…